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      With the lifting of restrictions on world travel, the Mexican Caribbean recorded record tourist arrivals last year.

      In 2022, tourism in the Caribbean rebounded with historical figures in three main destinations: the Mexican beaches of Cancun in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. For its part, Colombia recorded an almost total recovery, while Cuba still lagged behind. Among these destinations, Mexico stands out, a country that concentrates almost half of the international tourism in Latin America, according to the consultancies Statista and Latinometrics. In Quintana Roo alone, more than 9 million international tourists arrived by air at the Cancun airport, according to the state government.

      Tourism in the Mexican Caribbean broke record of visits

      During the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Mexico established itself as the third most visited country in the world in the absence of restrictions, but Aranda stated that many are now “repetitive” tourists.

      Tourism in the Mexican Caribbean broke record of visits

      Javier Aranda, director of the Quintana Roo Tourism Promotion Council, said that “we closed with a total of 19.7 million tourists, people who stayed overnight in our hotels, to that figure we are adding national tourists and international tourists.” Cancun captured about 50% of international tourism in Mexico.

      Although these tourists have the opportunity to go to other places, they have already enjoyed part of what the different destinations in Quintana Roo offer, which “gives us a great advantage because they want to return to learn more,” said Aranda, according to a publication from

      Source:Real Estate Market & Lifestyle

      C.P. Karina Sayed

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