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      It is among the ten markets with the highest growth, as it has registered a 20% increase in sales in the last five years.

      The Riviera Maya is one of the ten fastest growing real estate markets in the world, registering a 20% increase in sales in the last five years. This was highlighted by the Financial Times newspaper, said Carlos Manuel Joaquín González, governor of Quintana Roo; In addition, he mentioned data corresponding to 2022 from two organizations.

      The Institute for the Development and Financing of the State-Pro Quintana Roo (Idefin) and the National Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) indicated that the sector had a notorious investment. Well, in the period January-April 2021, it registered more than 91 million dollars (mdd), 67.2 million dollars more than the same period in 2020, according to a publication by La Palabra del Caribe. The president commented that the real estate development of Quintana Roo is promoted with order and sustainability criteria, such as better mobility in streets and avenues to avoid crowds.

      He pointed out that since 2020, 70% of the participation is in the offer of vertical housing and 30% in horizontal housing, giving priority to the offer of amenities and recreation spaces. And that from the new real estate demand that exists, different investors continue to select Playa del Carmen and Cancun as the ideal destination for the execution of projects.

      Many of these are comprehensive mixed-use projects that include different components: housing, lodging, education, medical area, corporate and commercial spaces. “These real estate projects contemplate an approximate investment of more than 1,300 million dollars. As well as the generation of more than 10,000 direct and indirect jobs” said Joaquín González. Pro Quintana Roo (Idefin) considered that sectors such as real estate, corporate and industrial stand out through projects in execution that will generate a greater labor supply and economic benefit in the entity.

      C.P. Karina Sayed

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